Keynote Speakers 1

Sebastião de AmorimDoctorate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, Philosophy, statistics and probability.
Dr Sebastio de Amorim is Professor at the University Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, State of São Paulo, Brazil. He is also Scientific-Technical Director by TecnoMetrica Estatistica, a company that specialized in the areas of Statistics, Mathematical Modelling and the computational treatment of large databases. Dr Sebastio de Amorim has almost 40 years of operational experience, leading research projects of medium and large size, regional and national scope, in Brazil and abroad.

Silvia Morales de Queiroz CalemanSilvia Morales de Queiroz Caleman is Post Doctorate in Economics of Organization (Rotterdam School of Management / Erasmus University).
Silvia Morales de Queiroz Caleman has also PhD in Administration from FEA / USP (Faculty of Administration, Economics and Accounting of the University of São Paulo), Master in Agribusiness from the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul and graduated in Agronomic Engineering from the University of São Paulo. She is adjunct professor at the School of Administration and Business (ESAN), Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Brazil. Dr Silvia Morales de Queiroz Caleman area of research are Economics of Organizations, new Institutional Economics and Agribusiness Management.